Do you spend most of your time needlessly looking up the same word again and again when trying to read Latin or Greek? Or are you just tired of looking up so many words you've never seen before? Ever wish you could just open up the works of Cicero, Virgil, Catullus, Homer, Lysias, Herodotus and simply be able to read them? Maybe it's about time you put that dictionary away and kept it handy only for those exceptionally rare words like ientaculum, "a light early-morning refreshment" or λάβραξ, -ακος, "a ravenous sea-fish, probably a bass." This site can help you do just that.
Every week I post a new episode of vocabulary that every student of Latin and Greek should know. (Right now we are concentrating on the Latin, but will turn to the Greek soon enough. Here is a post of upcoming episodes, where you can guesstimate when the Greek may first appear on this site.) Each episode runs about three to four minutes on average -- just enough to give you a good dose of vocabulary without overwhelming the memory. You can either use this site by visiting it frequently or subscribe with iTunes and listen to each episode on the go with your iPod.
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If your vocabulary has increased after a few weeks of using this podcast and would like others to know about it, you can help spread the word by becoming a fan of the podcast on Facebook and by writing a favorable review of it on iTunes.
Mind you, I make no money from the podcast, but spend a small sum every month just to keep it up and running. Nevertheless, the podcast will always be free, and I will never ask for anything other than words of encouragement and your continual support.